Sie sind hier: Startseite Freiburger Gerätturntage Programm 2023 311112 - The development of the …

311112 - The development of the Science of gymnastics Journal

Wann 14.10.2023
von 09:00 bis 09:45
Wo Seminarraum 4
Termin übernehmen vCal


Ivan Čuk

In 2009 a group of gymnastics researchers, professors, coaches decided it is time to start a scientific journal completely dedicated to gymnastics. History of gymnastics and its development went through various phases. In physical culture gymnastics means the core activity, which can be today found in physical education in all levels of education, it is sport, it is activity for long life and health. As such phenomena it is worth to research it regarding its influence on human life and human achievements. Three main scientific frames: natural, social and human aspects are included. With the journal which covers all aspects of gymnastics, we made a meeting point between science and praxis. Also, FIG recognized the importance of it and supports it. Great number of authors from countries from all continents made journal widespread and cited, so in year 2022 we are for the first time included into Journal Citation Report by Web of Science.