You are here: Home 2019 Program 322212 - Push-off and longitudinal …

322212 - Push-off and longitudinal turning technique for flipover and salto forward stretched with turns at the vault

When Oct 20, 2019
from 11:45 AM to 12:30 PM
Attendees Wissenschaftler
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Klaus Knoll

This workshop will be held in German but translated in English by whispering translation. For more information please click on "Deutsch" at the top of this page.

At the vaulting table the jumps overturn forward and somersault forward stretched with longitudinal turns (LAT) are chosen in both female and male gymnastics as a variant for a high initial score. With 1½ or 3 LAT in the stretched somersault, the third highest starting score of 5.8 for female gymnasts and the highest starting score of 6.0 for male gymnasts according to Code de Pointage 2017-20 is achieved. Due to the stretched somersault, these jumps require an above-average angular momentum around the horizontal axis in the 2nd flight phase. The push-off - always an optimization of vertical and angular momentum - must therefore be designed in such a way that the angular momentum from the first flight phase is reduced as little as possible.
The lecture will discuss the used push-off techniques.
A further focus is the LAT-technique, for which some learning methodes are suggested.

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