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324112 Resolution of technical problems in the sport training and protection of intelectual activity: The Gymnastic and Acrobatic patents

When Oct 20, 2019
from 04:00 PM to 04:45 PM
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Jesús Muñoz Jiménez / Kiko León Guzmán

Practical session, based on motor activities, with a scenic base, in which the participants will be challenged to find creative solutions to problems that can be found during the planning and development of gymnastic and acrobatic training, and how these solutions-ideas can be protected in patent form, in order to obtain a final product that helps to improve sport training results. At the end of the workshop, some of the speakers' authorship patents about gymnastics and acrobatics will be presented

Tasks will be proposed in order to generate doubts about what is known, aspired, expected and felt, using methodological resources from the world of sport, circus or gymnastics and acrobatics, applied to the resolution of technical problems of interest to participants. It requires participants to bring sportswear.

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