Sie sind hier: Startseite Freiburger Gerätturntage Programm 2023 313015 - Motion preferences

313015 - Motion preferences

Wann 14.10.2023
von 14:00 bis 17:30
Wo Turnhalle
Termin übernehmen vCal

Eric Boucharin

“The only unique model of motricity is you!”


Time is over to think that we need to balance the Strong points and the Weak points, now we need to…

• Increase the strong points

Exp: Simone Biles (Power), Nina Derwael (Swing) , Sanne Wewers (Balance)

• Make productive and predictive choices

• Individualize the training

The FIG oriented to specialist vs All arounders

Exp: Olympic pathway and selection system

• Coaches concern turns now to more efficiency

Nowadays, if a sportsman wants to perform, we have to offer him spatial, visual, respiratory and motion orientations, this is what we call ...MOTIONS PREFERENCIES

This new concept of talent ID is the way for tomorrow to be able to identify the best way to perform.